Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Laptops are not a fashion accessory
We went to the Plaza (the haute-taute shopping district in this cattle town) today. Aunt Maggie wanted to take me to a Starbucks so I could see real live yuppies in their natural environment. I've got to say, they are not very impressive. I would much rather see monkeys throw poop than these "people" trying to act cool typing on their laptops.
Editor's Note: This week we are using an Apple computer, and as we don't really know how to use it, pictures of me may be few and far between for a while
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Going to K.C.
Today, the fam and I left to visit Aunt Maggie in Kansas City. I hope there will be cake.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sleeping til Noon!
I discovered today that I might want to have teaching as my fallback career from Movie Heart Throb or Mission Comander for NASA. It seems that in the summer you get to sleep until noon and then get a nap in the afternoon as well. I bet I could get that schedule as a Heart Throb, but I'll have to look into the NASA's whole position on the afternoon nap
Monday, June 16, 2008
Adley's Welcome Home
Yesterday was Adley's welcome home party and a good time was had by all. I meant a lot of my Tante Amy's Family. She has a lot of family that want to see the kid. I was just happy not to be the center attention any more. Auntie Theresa thought I might be sad and kept reminding me I would always be the 1st grandchild of Oma and Opa, but if I'm number one, does that make Adley Number 2? I hope not, she will never be Number 2 to me!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A Busy Day!

Yesterday was the day of my big baby shower. I thought it was going to be a great party, but I got a bone to pick with more than a few people. First, I was happy to see my Onkel Aaron and my Tante Beth and my Vetteren Alex and Ethan. But then, they and my Dad decided to scoot out on me and go to the zoo. Fine I thought, that leaves me with the elder men of the tribe, but Opa and his friends left me to go to Bass Pro Shop. I would have liked to go to Bass Pro Shop! So, here I was with all these women. Now, I will do a lot for gifts and each gift was very nice, but still, a little testosterone might have been nice. After the shower, the boys came back and my Opa came back. We laughed and had a good time, but then they left again to go fishing at Dogwood. But this time, it was o.k.; I love my Oma and she loves me and the rest of those so called family members can just keep on fishing.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Adley's Pretty Pink Blog
Just for today, I turn my blog over to my new cousin Adley Reed Lewis. She was born at 9:59 a.m. on Friday the 13th. She weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20.5 inches long. I tried to get an interview with her, but she seemed to be preoccupied with eating and sleeping, two of my favorite things. Now, that being said this is the last thing I intend to share with her, And, no more of this pink either!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Yesterday The Rents and I went to the St. Louis Zoo. You know, The St. Louis Zoo is one of the country's best. Actually, both Parenting Magazine and Zagat's call it the top zoo in the nation. Not only do visitors face-to-face with animals, but it also has exhibits that resemble each animal's natural habitat. Surprisingly, it does all this without charging a dime, or a quarter or a nickel for that matter, for admission!

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Ted Drewers
Last Night, my Onkel Dwayne and Tante Amy took Mom, Dad, and I to Ted Drewes, a St. Louis tradition. You wouldn't believe how many people were there on a Wednesday night at 9:00. It was great, hundreds of people gathered for the love of sugary treats. Of course, nobody offered me anything, but I guess being carried everywhere and having the attention of everybody in a room more than makes up for it.
(BTW-The lower left picture is the first of my Vetter Adley on my blog, technically she is still in utero, but I'm thinking we will see her soon.)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Wright City's Claim to Fame?
Well, my quest for the crown jewel of Wright City may be complete. If you happen to be on I-70 either heading toward or just leaving St.Louis you may want to stop at the Wright City Phillips 66. Not only can you get gas, you can get some very decent food for a gas station. They have breakfast as well as Chesterfield's Fried Chicken. Now as you know, they take their fried chicken very seriously in the south. And as the south, or at least the southern accents begin on the south side of I-70, The Wright City Phillips 66 may be the farthest north southern chicken place you can find. And, if you get there early enough, you can talk to Gisela, a local resident and immigrant from the Fatherland. She is a very nice lady and I was very sad to say tsch
In other news, Opa is a bit of a sneak. Oma made me this very nice ice cream cone and I was really looking forward to at least licking it as I can't eat the cone, I left my dentures on Saipan. And Opa said he would help me, but then the sneak put me to sleep and I believe ate my ice cream. Of course he denies it and everbody claims to have seen nothing, but I'll be watching him!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
If it's not vinyl, why bother?
Monday, June 9, 2008
Truckin' Advice
Today I had some time to get a little involved with the family business; I spent a little time talkin' business with my Opa. We talked about all of the ends and outs of his business. I can't really say that I understand all that he was talking about, but that didn't stop me from giving advice. My first piece of advice was a company name change. It may just be me, but Karsten Karriers is just about the best name for a trucking company ever, don't you think? I was also thinking, instead of long hauling, how about going into the fleece blanket business? After all, who doesn't like a fleece blanket? Just a few thoughts. But, if you go into the fleece blanket business after reading this, remember where you heard it, because I will want my end. (5150)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
The Flower Yard Concert
Today, Oma and Opa took me to the Blumenhof Winery because my Onkel Dwayne was playing with his band The Darrells. Now, I was very excited about this because Blumenhof literally means flower yard. And, as you all know, I do like my flowers. But I was a little concerned about the whole winery thing. I thought, is it a place where people go to whine? I was hoping it was just irony because who would want to whine at a flower yard? We arrived to find something totally different than I imagined, it was a weinkellerei, I wish somebody would have just told me that, it would have saved a lot of confusion. Onkel Dwayne's Band is very good. I quite enjoyed the pieces they selected to perform. The Darrells bill themselves as Americana, which I found to be a very accurate description. They played everything from Opry classics to new wave with a country twist. To listen to a sample of their sound, type "The Darrells Band St. Louis" into your web browser, this should give you a link to their myspace page. I know you will enjoy!
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