It was in the time of Emperor Dwight Eisenhower, a decree went forth that a census be taken of all the world. So, a young couple named Maria and Tony loaded their rambler and left their home in the upper west side of New York and set out for Tony's ancestral home of Puerto Rico. At this time, Maria was with child. When they arrived in San Juan, they found no room at the Inn, so they just went to Tony's parents house. It was at this time Maria declared, "Estallaré." And unto this world came a child, Heyyouse, or something like that. Anyway, outside the home, Steve Nick and his band of merry makers; Riff, Bernardo, Doc, Ice, Action, A-rab, Baby John, Snowboy, Tiger, and Joyboy were walking by after attending a late night dance and knife show. They were following the neon star that glowed from the Caribbean House of Pancakes (CHOP) sign that was on the main floor of Tony's parents building. When they heard the cries of Heyyouse, they all threw toys they won at the dance through the window. Seeing the toys and not knowing where they came from, Maria declared, "Cristo, su un miricle, pero quieren más!" Of course, over the years that magical phrase has been shortened to Christmas. And, Steve Nick's name has been shortened to St. Nick (I don't think S T is a good abbreviation for Steve, but you can't fight tradition. And, of course, Steve now just leaves the presents under the tree everybody has in their living rooms.
Now, just to be fair, I might of confused some of this story my father was telling me with a movie my Mom was watching called..... Well, I don't know what it was called, but I know once your a Jet, your a Jet and that's it!
Merry Christmas
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