Well, everything is progressing well with Oma and Opa's trip. Today we went to the beach and the current was strong. Opa said he still enjoyed it though.
Oma is still reading her book from the plane. I really glad this reading thing isn't interrupting our time. It has been raining a fair amount, but that is just fine. In other news, it seems that 4:30 is nap time here, except for Dad and the dog, which nap at other times.
Tonight, we might do something for Dad's birthday. He has convinced most of his kids that he is 128 years old today. Well, I have good information that he is not even close to that old. I'm guessing more like late 50's early 60's.
Mom is still recovering from my birth. She seems to move considerably slower than everyone else, but at least she is moving. It's a good thing I'm such a thin mint, or she might not be moving for a few more weeks.
Well, that's about it. Still no video. Mom has "misplaced" the camera. So, maybe you all can email her and ask her to look a little harder. I will do my best by crying and filling diapers in protest.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM! Hope our package has gotten to the island in time. Have a good celebration! The Gindts
Happy Birthday Tom!! Wishing you a great day, although this may be a day late to you. Lots for you to celebrate this year! Love, Susan & Jacob
Well, here's a piece of news for the data base: today -- or almost yesterday - is Tom's birthday. Happy Happy.
And for Karsten: there is nothing more important than reading, so learn as quickly as you can to run your (sticky or otherwise) fingers along the squiggly lines and to flip to the pictures as many times as you need to. Ask Oma about this. I know she can help. It is also possible fos someone of your generation to sleep, cuddle and sing in the lap of an adult who is reading something veeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyy boring. I look forward to working with you on your technique.
Aunt Kirsten
Oma and Opa Lewis are looking just like every other first time grandparents. Their lives will NEVER be the same again. I am thrilled for all of you. By the way, Happy Birthday, Tom. Love to all of you from Opa's cousin, Linda from Florida.
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