You won't believe this, I can actually stay awake long enough for some good video to be taken of me. As usual, I am cute, but in this video I am cute and cuddly. It is a shame most of the world is not able to personally witness this cuteness, but I guess those of you who watch via the internet are lucky as well. So next time you see Al Gore, thank him for the internet. Now for the Cuteness:
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Lunar Egg, Mine No More!

We are hereby requesting an equal posting of the other egg. It is decorated with a photo (taken by Mark himself) of the lunar eclipse visible on this side of the globe about one moon cycle ago. One mighty cold night, as we remember it.
Aunt Kirsten
O.k., here it is. I would have done it when I posted the other egg they sent me, but I was worried about distribution rights. You see Mark, Auntie Kirsten's Hubby, is a professional photog and a very talented one at that. And, by posting this on Blogger, he, and by extension I, lose our rights to this photo to Blogger. I was hoping to sell it to a photo service for some large dinero. So, here it is, and I encourage you all to steal this photo. There, I said it, I hope my blogger account is here tomorrow. (For best view, click on the photo.)
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Up and At 'Um
Sorry for the delay. The power conpany has decided to take it upon themselves to lower every bodies power bill by shutting us off for 4 to 6 hours everyday. Thank God, it leaves me more time for things I enjoy, like sitting in the dark and crying.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Editor's (Mom) Note: He was really just over 12 pounds and just a smigin' under 24 inches.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Holey Saturday!
In other news, I am so jazzed about the NCAA tournament, I have joined an under three feet b-ball league. At two feet tall now, I am a power forward, But next year, I am looking at being a post player. I am learning a lot, my teamates have mad skills. I just wish those three and a half feet guys would stop trying to cheat thier way into our league.
Friday, March 21, 2008
You betcha' its a Good Friday!

BTW- I promise to do a better job of avoiding these subjects in the future!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Juan the Shaman

Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Pretty new flowers

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I'm Stronger than an Ox

* A baby is born every seven seconds.
* Babies are born with very poor vision but can recognize their mothers almost right away.
* Babies are always born with blue eyes, within a few moments of delivery their eye color can change.
* Babies are born with swimming abilities and can naturally hold their breath. However, they shortly lose this instinct.
* Newborns usually double their weight by six months.
* Playing classical music will increase a baby's intelligence.
* Reading to your child at ANY age will increase their knowledge.
* Babies and toddlers are, pound for pound, stronger than oxen. This is especially true of their legs.
* Babies are born without kneecaps.
* The human body is better suited for two four-hour sleep cycles than one eight-hour one.
* You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world.... talk about a lot of celebrating.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Rites of Spring!

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Golden Slumbers
I have posted another video of me sleeping. "Why?" you may ask. A simple reason. I found another Beatles song with a sleeping theme. Do you think that they were really tired or what? Also, I am just so cute. So for you troglodytes out there who think two videos of me sleeping is too much, don't push play-
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Why the dog is better than ME! As if!

1) The Dog was free.
2) The Dog is almost silent, has never cried, and barely barks.
3) The Dog uses the toilet on the neighbors yard, no cleanup at all.2) The Dog is almost silent, has never cried, and barely barks.
4) The Dog could walk and play from the minute we got her.
5) The Dog can do all sorts of tricks with little to no training.
6) The Dog can expel its gas unassisted.
7) The Dog only goes to the vet once a year
8) The Dog eats only twice a day, and her food comes in a fifty pound bag you only need to buy once every two months.
9) The Dog protects the house with nothing more than a fierce bark, nobody has ever been more than annoyed by a baby crying.
10) The Dog will never ask for money, EVER! No allowance, no car, no college, nothing.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Bringin Home The Bacon, and other things I may want when I can eat solid foods.
This video is in response to a request from my cousins Alexander and Ethan. It shows where my 'Rents work, Kagman Elementary School. Now remember, you can request anything you'd like on the blog. However, you may not see it in a timely fashion, the boys made their request weeks ago.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
True Genius

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Parental Expectations
Today, I did some very interesting math. If I continue at my current rate of growth, I will be over 12 feet tall and weigh in at around 600 pounds. Isn't that cool! Mommy said that I need to think about a career in professional sports, just for the food bill. Dad says that sports are intended to be a pastime, and that contributing to the nations obsessive need for juvenile diversions is unethical, even if I am 12 feet tall and could make a very easy living playing a child's game. I think there is a compromise here. Playing a sport should not take all of my time. I'll just do it for the money. With all of the extra time I will have, I can paint, write, or play music. I just don't know how to break it to Mom I am not simply a jock.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Flowers, a very MANLY plant

Monday, March 10, 2008
Night Shift

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Bad Parenting

And my father is pushing this habit. I swear, I am amazed we come from the same genetic material sometimes. Well, at least I got to post a show tune.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
3 week growth spurt

Friday, March 7, 2008
Sunset, Attempt Two
This was originally to be on the blog with Opa and Oma's departure, but my staff had some problems with you tube. So, here it is today, at long last, the Saipan Sunset. It is nothing fancy, it has no music of title cards, just a beachside sunset. So, if you have a few (about 6 and 1/2), hit play and watch what we take for granted so often.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

I have been invaded by THRUSH ( Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity). Thank god for the agents from U.N.C.L.E. I am told that my THRUSH invasion should come to an end every soon, thanks to them. BTW, isn't my Dad a huge nerd. This show hasn't been on the air for like 40 years. I've heard of obscure references but this is ridiculous.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Empty Recliner.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Sunset Drive
Monday, March 3, 2008
Have You Seen These People?

Our life of international crime begins. I can't believe it, but we are already wanted by the FBI and Interpol. Awesome! We're like the Jacksons or the Osmonds, but of crime! No, just kidding, if any of our friends at Homeland Security are reading. I had to get a passport photo, so my parents decided to get photos as well to turn into the school system. I have to admit, I am a handsome fellow. As for the other two, well, even The David was carved from a big, ugly rock. In other news, Opa and Oma are moving to Saipan! Opa's enthusiasm for the island has gotten him a job as a Hafa Adai Greeter at the Airport and Oma will be working at a pandanas weaving factory, as a basket tester. They have already found a house on Navy hill and have bought matching pink scooters. Opa also said to remind everybody that his oceanfront property in Warrenton is also for sale, and that all offers would be considered. I hope everybody will comment and congratulate them on the big move.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Livin the good life!
Today, I got to go on the trip (thanks Auntie Karen). We all went to the Pacific Island Club. My rents and grands had an excellent meal. I got milk. Then, we had use of the facilities. They had a lazy river, wave riding, lap pool, climbing wall, hot tubs, cold tubs, ex cetera, ex cetera, ex cetera. All we used were the loungers on the beach, these people are borrrring. I could have been kayaking or sailing on a hobie, but I was surfing my car seat. I can't wait until I can move myself. I will be para sailing before the end of the year. Believe it. Now, if you want to watch a very uneventful video, watch this. And pay special attention to the end, you will see what is sure to be a string of my ladies from all over the world; the first being from Korea. Not Bad!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Monsieur Fussiepants' Blog
I am told by the staff here that I am to write this blooggg. I will have you know, I am doing this under protest, as I do everything. I am Monsieur Fussiepants, and I am thee French. I do not like anything. I do not like hugs, cuddling, singing, or especially being called this Karsten! Who is this bébé allemand? I do not like him! And I will have you know, I am not to fond of you either! So, if you see me, step to the opposite side of the rue, as I will châtiez you.
Au revoir,
Tatillon Fussiepants
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