Personally, I think they should be illegal everywhere. Just look at my father. I don't think anyone has informed him that he is no longer in college? I think tht he might have watched one to many Little House on the Prairies, how about you? I must say, I will never sport a goatee, if it were me, I'd have the full beard.
1 comment:
Hey Karsten,
I realize that you are only about 1500 hours old so you probably dont get the big picture when it comes to facial hair.
I saw a picture of your male parental figure holding you up and next to the photo was a little known fact about goatees in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Ask your dad if that law applies to Van Dykes, since technically he doesnt have a goatee. A Van Dyke is a goatee accompanied with a mustache on the same face.
Please refer to the link for further clarification.
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