You know what is good about May? If you do, please tell me, because I point my tongue at the whole month. May baskets, May poles, and you can't buy a broom or wash blankets, what a dumb month. This was also the month Dad got chicken pox, what is that all about? A grown man with a childhood disease, how silly. Luckily, no signs of the pox on me. But, as you can see, the may malaise has hit me hard. Hopefully, June will be better. (4840)
No, I have not turned into a dog. But, It appears that Mommy can't tell the difference between me and the dog anymore. Well, I'm glad we are leaving that tick magnet on Saipan this summer while we go to the mainland. I won't have to compete for attention anymore. And, I'll tell you, the competition is rough. The dog can walk on two legs, fetch, bark really loud at strangers, and take care of its own toilet issues. Thank God for the genetic bond I have with Mommy, or I'd be out!
What is special about the number 5000. To start, it is the largest isogrammic number in the English language (there's a word for you cross worders and scrabblers out there). It is also the number of hits that I would like to have before I come home. George Harrison said that The Beatles refused to tour America until they had a number one album. Well, maybe I won't tour America until I get my 5000th hit. So, tell your friends, and very time you visit, hit the refresh several times. Let's get there people. (4770)
Here are some more pictures of my nana Edita. She takes very good care of me Monday-Friday. Much better in fact than my clueless layabout parents. I will miss her this summer during my North America Tour. I don't know who will bath me of change my diapers?
This was supposed to be my big Salute to Memorial Day Post, with me strapin a big gatt posed to squeeze off a couple of rounds into some deserving derriere. But, my editor (Mom) said that that photo would never fly in the sticks, so here I am posed with a slingshot. Do I look fearsome? I should, because I will smite thee with this great tool of vengeance, you know, should it come to that. (4718)
Thought I might drop another pic with some more of my ladies. I'll tell you what, you can never go wrong with sisters. I'm not sure if it's the pimpin' seat or the baby baby blues, but I've got something goin' on. Best stop talking about it as not to jinx it.
From the Sickhouse: I'm sick of this! I'm not getting any work out and it is all do to that layabout. Ohh, its infectious, stay away. You know what else is infectious, getting fired! He'd better be ready to go tomorrow or I will find somebody to replace his sorry behind!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
From the Sickhouse: He's still in there. I think it is getting worse. I caught a glimpse of him today and he looks like a teenager after eating several pizzas, Yuck!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
From the Sickhouse: My copy editor and photographer has been in his room with chicken pox, so don't hold out hope for anything good for a few days
Since Dad has had Chicken pox, I have been hanging out with Mom A LOT lately. As you can see by this picture, she is just a whirling dervish of fun and frolic. I haven't had this much fun in ages I'm always thinking to myself, what will she do next? It absolutely keeps me on the edge. I hope Dad gets well soon so I can get a break from this frivolity.
That's right, you heard it here first. My father has contracted the formerly widespread childhood illness. This would be the second time that Dad has had chicken pox. The first time he had a very mild case, but this time it's a barn burner. But, before you begin to worry, the Center for Disease Control informs me that breastfed babies have a very high immunity rate to Chicken Pox and I needn't worry. Of course, that being said, I'm not going anywhere near him. Chicken Pox are gross!
I know that often my blog is about the trivialities of my life, the life of a baby. But, today my Mom wants me to be a little more serious. She would like you to know about some of the milestones I have reached. I can hold my head up now, and I can also hold my torso straight. I can put my toes in my mouth. I can have full conversations with Dad, Mom I save the complaints for. I can also laugh when something is funny. How about that, and not one silly attempt at absurdity. (4440)
I'vd heard my cousin Ethan has had it a little rough this week. So, I seached the net high and low for something to brighten his day. Ethan, this link is for you.
O.k., here's the deal. Why is it that said that revenge is a dish best served cold? I think it is best served warm. Example, My Dad and I were playing this morning before he went to work. We have this new game in which I stand up and sit down while he holds me, and I enjoy it. But this morning, I slipped and went face first into his chest. I did not enjoy that. So, I sat up and spit up on this work shirt right before he left. Not having time to change, he spent the whole day with a slight tinge of milk about him. So as you see, I serve revenge warm. (4388)
Start your clocks and buy a bigger memory card for you digi camera, I'm leaving my island and coming to yours in 21 days (right Oma?). I'm looking forward to my first trip on a big plane (notice the picture of me looking forward to it), or any plane for that matter. I've been told that I will have individual sleeping accommodations. That's good, I like to stretch out. I'm also informed that I will be traveling through Japan. Awesome, I like the Asian women and they like me (refer to March 2 blog). Then it's off to Minneapolis. There we will have a layover so I can work on some tracks with Prince. After that, its on to St. Louis, home of the Los Angeles Rams and backdrop to a very funny scene from the Chevy Chase classic, Vacation. The theme song of which will be my tour's theme song as well. I can't wait!
I've decided to go the day shirtless. It's really the only way to go, considering my geographical situation. At least I've been working out. I have abs of steel, just like my Dad. It may not look it but that is one big muscle, at least that's what Dad says. Now I just need some designer diaper covers and I am in business. (4323)
Not much to report today. My Mom took me to the doctor because I had an all over rash. As it turns out, it was nothing, but one never knows. Other than that, not much happening here. Dad is still on his kick to take market share away from Dole, and Mom is taking every opportunity to write the hundreds of thank you notes she is behind on. Fillet O' and Patty are still trying to renegotiate their contract. Hailey is still a dog. And me, well, your humble reporter on all things me is just enjoying. C U! (4300)
Today is the day that the whole country honors My Mommy! As I understand it, this day officially belongs to her. Wow, I didn't think anything made it through the government that fast. I guess there must have been some war funding or farm subsidies attached to that bill. Whatever, I don't care, I can't think of anyone deserving of a day than my Mom. She is not only my life giver, she is my food factory, my best playmate, and my numero uno consoler. For those of you who haven't meant my Mommy, sorry. For those of you who have, I am sorry as well, because she is all mine now. (4255)
Tonight, we went to the Taste of the Marianas. The overwhelming amount of people and the plethora of smells was just to much for me all to take in, so these pictures are from earlier in the day,when my parents hadn't allowed me to get over stimulated. But, if your interested, you can watch a little of the entertainment below, a dance by a troop of Carolinians. Enjoy:
Also yesterday, I went to the doctor because I wasn't feeling good. I think my Dad may have overreacted a shade, but the books do say not to just assume a low grade fever is due to teething. But of course, it was. But, the good news is that I am right on path for growth. I am in the 95% percentile for height, 50-75% for weight, and 50-75% for head size. My Mom says I am a "thin mint". Well, I say the same thing about her all the time.
Now this is a sweet island girl, don't you agree? You know, someday when I live in Arkansas, Minnesota or God forbid Indiana my Dad is going to have a hard time explaining why we moved when I see this photo. I have no idea how he is going to explain that master stroke geographical relocation. Hopefully the Beach Boys were right about the Midwest farmer's daughters and the Southern girls. I hope for Dad's sake that is true. or he may be making a trip across the Styx to pay. (4170)
Once again the winds of change are a blowin' on Saipan. I am teething and I am not happy. Well, I am happy some of the time, when I have my extra special Thai made teether in my mouth. I'm not sure what I need these teeth for anyway. Dad says I will need them to take my rightful place at the top of the food chain as preordained by the Almighty. My Mom says I will need them so I can be even cuter. Yeah, like that's possible. I'm thinking I need them so I can bite other children, the way Hailey bites small children. I'll have to test that out as soon as I get a couple. (4150)
Today, my 'rents and I went to Dolphin Wholesale to pick out some teething rings for me. Dolphin Wholesale is the Target, Home Depot, Babies-R-Us, Pet Smart, Office Max and whatever other big box retailer you can think of rolled into one on Saipan. This place has the widest selection on island for teething rings, three. That being said, it was a hard choice on my part to select the proper implement. I finally settled on a nice Thai made ring in the shape of a baseball glove. The instructions say that I am not to freeze it or serve it worm. No that is not a typo (at least not mine), I am not to be served this teether worm. I can't say I have a problem with that. I don't believe anything should be served worm
Some of my readers from K.C. wanted some pictures of the pineapple plant growing in our yard. As you already know we are more than happy to show you whatever you'd like, so here it is. Funny thing about it is, my parents had no idea what it was until the pineapple started growing out of the top. Now my Dad is pineapple crazy and wants a small pineapple field. Yeah, I don't think so.
Today I heard some very bad news, it appears that regulations on allowing pets into the mainland are very lax, which means the idiotic dog will be coming with us when we move home someday. I love Saipan, the sun and the beach and all that, but that dog is the bane of my existence. I thought for sure that when we left she would stay. But, I overheard Mom and Dad talking about how Hailey was going to "freak out" when she got into the snow. And, as it barely gets cold enough here to justify a long sleeve shirt, I put together that she would be going along with us. That is what causes this face, not lack of parenting skills. Although they are very lacking in that area, there is no way that they could cause this sort of reaction.
In other news, I am auditioning to become the replacement spokesman for Taco Bell. I mean, would you rather by a taco from, ME, or a idiotic and most likely an illegal dog. Dogs smell and bark at cars and I have seen Hailey eat poo. Now, what message is Taco Bell trying to send, our food resembles poo your dog finds so appealing? Yeah, hire me.
Also today, we had lunch with my Kiwi friend, Mr. Owen. Now, he's not really made of Kiwi (which is a fact somebody could have pointed out to me before I licked him). No, he is from New Zealand, which is a former British holding made up of two major islands in the South Pacific. Think of it as a smaller version of Australia without insipid spokesmen like the Crocodile Hunter (may he rest in peace). He runs a radio station here and is a very nice man. And, he gave me a present, so he is aces in my book.
For weeks, the internet chatter has been ablaze, but today I discovered it was official, I am under investigation by the RAND cooperation. Apparently, the pictures on my blog are so cute it has lead to a measurable decrease in industrial output nationwide. However, inscrutably according to RAND, pockets of the Midwest have been especially hit including the metro area of St. Louis and the Des Moines-Ames corridor. RAND points to a Troy, MO (a small town near St. Louis) in which productivity has fallen to economically dangerous levels in the morning hours due to this blog. I , however, am not moved by the data no matter how rigorous, quantitative, or non-partisan their analysis appears to be. And, despite the study being incomplete, various economic organizations have already begun to complain about the "Cuteness" cutting into American productivity. In this video, I answer these charges. Enjoy:
The RAND Corporation (Research ANd Development) is a nonprofit global policy think tank first formed to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. The organization has since expanded to working with other organizations, private foundations, international organizations, and commercial organizations. Reportedly, it is known for rigorous, often-quantitative, and non-partisan analysis and policy recommendations
Every morning my dad gets me out of bed to play before he goes to work. and every morning he asks me the same question, "Karsten, sind Sie ein guter Junge oder ein verärgerter Junge heute?" To which I always reply, "Slow down chief, I don't even speak English yet!" Or, at least I would if I were verbal. But, the answer is usually in the affirmative, yes I am a happy boy today. I am a happy boy everyday until the parental units do something to mess it up. Just look at me, I'm a commercial baby for crying out loud!
I know what your thinking, this is the picture right before she dropped me, right? No, don't be silly, Mom would never drop me, at least not again. This is actually the position that I like best, standing up. I guess I just feel the need to dance, and I dance a lot. My favorite music to dance to are the smooth grooves of Polka. Thats right, POLKA! I can't get enough of the infectious grooves from a squeeze box, or it's master, Mr. Lawrence Welk. For those of you not so lucky as to have been seduced by the sweet sound, here is a clip. Enjoy: