In other news, I am auditioning to become the
replacement spokesman for Taco Bell. I mean, would you rather by a taco from, ME, or a idiotic and most likely an illegal dog. Dogs smell and bark at cars and I have seen Hailey eat poo. Now, what message is Taco Bell trying to send, our food resembles poo your dog finds so appealing? Yeah, hire me.

Also today, we had lunch with my Kiwi friend, Mr. Owen. Now, he's not really made of Kiwi (which is a fact somebody could have pointed out to me before I licked him). No, he is from New Zealand, which is a former British holding made up of two major islands in the South Pacific. Think of it as a smaller version of Australia without insipid spokesmen like the Crocodile Hunter (may he rest in peace). He runs a radio station here and is a very nice man. And, he gave me a present, so he is aces in my book.
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