Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Flower Yard Concert

Today, Oma and Opa took me to the Blumenhof Winery because my Onkel Dwayne was playing with his band The Darrells. Now, I was very excited about this because Blumenhof literally means flower yard. And, as you all know, I do like my flowers. But I was a little concerned about the whole winery thing. I thought, is it a place where people go to whine? I was hoping it was just irony because who would want to whine at a flower yard? We arrived to find something totally different than I imagined, it was a weinkellerei, I wish somebody would have just told me that, it would have saved a lot of confusion. Onkel Dwayne's Band is very good. I quite enjoyed the pieces they selected to perform. The Darrells bill themselves as Americana, which I found to be a very accurate description. They played everything from Opry classics to new wave with a country twist. To listen to a sample of their sound, type "The Darrells Band St. Louis" into your web browser, this should give you a link to their myspace page. I know you will enjoy!

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